How to Register to Splunk Partner Portal and transfer Certifications and Learning


This document will describe how to register to Splunk Partner Portal and transfer Certifications and Learning from your old email to a new one.


Go to and click “Create your free account today”

When creating an new account use your @PARNER.DOMAIN email address, you will also have to use a new username

After registration and email verification make sure you can login (using your Partner email/ new username) to 

Partners Portal
Public Education Portal
If you are getting an error raise a non-technical Partner+ Case from within the Partners portal (

Transferring you Certificates

Send an email to and (you can send one email to both of them, anyway it will create 2 separate support cases)

Dear Education and Certification teams,
Our company recently became Splunk Partner while all my
certifications and trainings history is under customer’s/personal email.

Can you please transfer my completed certifications and trainings from MY.NAME@OLD.DOMAIN (Customer/Personal email) to MYNAME@NEW.DOMAIN (Partner email
Please note that I have already created the new Partner account and can login to Education/Certification portal.

As mentioned this will create 2 support cases:

  • Education
  • Certification
CaseWhat will it doAfter complete, can be verified hereExample
EducationWill transfer your accomplished trainings,
CertificationWill transfer your existing certificates into your partner’s profile.
CertificationWill create a new Splunk ID for PearsonVUEYou will receive an email from Splunk with your new Splunk ID
You will need to create a new account in PearsonVUE using the new Splunk ID here
After registration is complete you can see all the exams you are entitled to take here:
CertificationWill transfer exam records to the new Splunk ID in PearsonVUECan take 5-10 days and can be verified here
EducationRegistering to Courses with Splunk Partners DiscountGo to
Login with you new Partner email.
Select a course and date and proceed to checkout
You should see the discount added at the “View Card” step (as per the screenshot here).
If you don’t email describing the issue (Partners; discount not been applied) and attach a screenshot of the cart

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