Tag Archives: AI

My first GenAI use-case

A couple of months ago my wife asked me if I could build her “something” to create a nice image with some thank-you text that she could send to her boutique customers. This is how my first GenAI use-case was born :-).

There are probably definitely services that can do it, but hey that was an opportunity to learn, so I jumped straight into it.

The Gen AI part turned out to be the easy one, but if you want to skip the rest you can jump straight to it.

Continue reading My first GenAI use-case

Getting ImageAnalysisResultDetails in Azure AI Vision Python SDK

Getting ImageAnalysisResultDetails in Azure AI Vision Python SDK.

Sometimes when using Azure AI Python SDK you will not get the expected result, meaning that the reason property of the result of the analyze method of the ImageAnalyzer class the property will not be equal to sdk.ImageAnalysisResultReason.ANALYZED.

Phew, that’s a mouthful, easier to show it code:

Continue reading Getting ImageAnalysisResultDetails in Azure AI Vision Python SDK

Azure: Invalid user storage id or storage type is not supported

I was trying to update my Azure Language service to enable Custom text classification / Custom Named Entity Recognition. That feature requires a storage account. While you are supposed to be able to create the storage account when you enable the feature it didn’t work for me 🙁 (I was getting an “Invalid user storage id or storage type is not supported” error).

Continue reading Azure: Invalid user storage id or storage type is not supported