Category Archives: Uncategorized

Discovering the API

So I’ve joined T2 (now Pebble) to try it out and it was pretty quiet there at the beginning. It was a bit hard to see whom to follow and such. So I decided to look a bit behind the curtain and see if T2 Social has an API.

By the way, if you need an invite reach out to me either via comments here or on Twitter @IlyaReshet.

Is there a T2 official API?

While there is no, official and documented API (at least at the time of writing which is the beginning of June 2023) that I could find I had an idea to look at the Network tab in the Chrome Developer Console

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Predicting multiple metrics in Splunk

Splunk has a predict command that can be used to predict a future value of a metric based on historical values. This is not a Machine Learning or an Artificial Intelligence functionality, but a plain-old-statistical analysis.

So if we have a single metric, based on historical results we can produce a nice prediction for the future (of definable span), but predicting multiple metrics in Splunk might not be as straightforward.

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How to collect StatsD metrics from rippled server using Splunk

The XRP Ledger (XRPL) is a decentralized, public blockchain and rippled server software (rippled in future references) powers the blockchain. rippled follows the peer-to-peer network, processes transactions, and maintains some ledger history.

rippled is capable of sending its telemetry data using StatsD protocol to 3rd party systems like Splunk.

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Plotting Splunk with the same metric and dimension names shows NULL

When you try plotting on a graph Splunk metric split by a dimension with the same name (as the metric itself) will show NULL instead of the dimension.

Splunk timechart visualisation with breakdown by dimension with the same metric and dimension names will show NULL
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How to use an SSH key stored in Azure Key Vault while building Azure Linux VMs using Terraform

So I want to use the same SSH Public key to be able to authenticate across multiple Linux VMs that I’m building in Azure in Terraform. While I did find a lot of examples (including among Terraform example repo) of how to do it if you have the key stored on your local machine I couldn’t find (or didn’t search long enough) how to use an SSH key stored in Azure Key Vault while building Azure Linux VMs using Terraform.

Continue reading How to use an SSH key stored in Azure Key Vault while building Azure Linux VMs using Terraform

Choosing a Cloud Provider for a Bootstrapped StartUp

There are many different options for Funded start-ps to get free credits from various cloud providers, but choosing a cloud provider for a Bootstrapped startup is a bit harder.

Some might have already a preference towards one cloud provider over another (based on their experience or other factors), but here I’m trying to compare them from a pure “free cloud provider credits for a bootstrapped startup” perspective,

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Create a Random Bit Set with Jinja

Once in a while, when working with Jinja templating engine, you might need to create a random Bit Set with Jinja. Some might also call it a Binary Flag Set.

Basically, this will be a binary number (for example 10110) where each digit (bit) represents whether something is on/enabled/present or off.

In some systems, this binary number is actually stored as a base 10 integer. So 10110 will be stored as 22.

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