I was using Qwiklabs to learn a bit about Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and started the GCP Essential quest.
During the 1st lab (Creating a Virtual Machine) I got stuck on 10/15 points, despite the fact that I thought I’ve completed all the steps as required.
What I think went wrong is the step where you need to create the 2nd VM. The lab says that you can choose any zone for the VM
Being in Sydney, I naturally created it in australia-southeast1-c using the following command from Google Cloud Shell gcloud compute instances create gcelab2 –zone australia-southeast1-c , but when followed all the steps till the end of the lab I noticed that my lab score was still only 10 out of 15.
I quickly deleted the improperly placed VM by running gcloud compute instances delete gcelab2 and re-created it in the suggested zone by running gcloud compute instances create gcelab2 –zone us-central1-c.
Great Success – 15 out of 15 points achieved!!!
When I did the lab, I did not have permissions to to create a new instance from a cloud console. Any idea how to get past this? I’ve used up a couple of tokens with no luck.
Make sure you’ve selected a project, except for that I have no idea.