Splunk has a predict
command that can be used to predict a future value of a metric based on historical values. This is not a Machine Learning or an Artificial Intelligence functionality, but a plain-old-statistical analysis.
So if we have a single metric, based on historical results we can produce a nice prediction for the future (of definable span), but predicting multiple metrics in Splunk might not be as straightforward.
Continue reading Predicting multiple metrics in Splunk →
I started playing for Splunk Metrics rollups and but then tried to step out of the box and got a “Failed to apply rollup policy to index=’…’. Summary span=’7d’ cannot be cron scheduled” error.
Continue reading Splunk Failed to apply rollup policy to index… Summary span… cannot be cron scheduled →
The XRP Ledger (XRPL) is a decentralized, public blockchain and rippled server software (rippled in future references) powers the blockchain. rippled follows the peer-to-peer network, processes transactions, and maintains some ledger history.
rippled is capable of sending its telemetry data using StatsD protocol to 3rd party systems like Splunk.
Continue reading How to collect StatsD metrics from rippled server using Splunk →
Infrequent Smarts by Reshetnikov