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Welcome to ISbyR

My greetings to you  – Visitor.

My name is Ilya Reshetnikov and that’s my “Hello World” for this blog/site – we’ll see how it will develop.
The current intention is to use it as my brain dump.
What kind of information will you find here? Various, with strong accent on my main specialite – Enterprise Monitoring.

I’ve been In this field since 2007 and there are a few thoughts I think worth sharing with the World occasional visitor.

I currently work mostly with HP’s BTO toolset: HP BSM/OMi and it’s data collectors (SiteScope, RUM, BPM, Diagnostics and others), HP CMS (including DFM and Configuraion Manger),
Previously I also had a hands-on experience with HP NNM, HP OM (on different platforms), HP QTP,  Cisco Works, PAessler PRTG, Microsoft SCOM and other monitoring/management/test automation solutions.
Probably like any other monitoring specialist, I had interactions with many other IT disciplines and technologies which weren’t part of my main “toolbox”, so you might find some thoughts on these here as well.

I hope I wasn’t wrong and some of my thoughts might actually will be of  use to someone.